Acupuncture is the basis of auricular reflexology or auriculotherapy. Indeed the use of needles to work on different points of the body aims to rebalance and treat certain organs dysfunctions. We, as non medical reflexologists, use other equally effective methods: seeds, magnets, massages...
Auriculotherapy is a reflexology technique developed in the 1950s by Dr. Paul Nogier, a general practitioner.
Like all reflexology practice, it is based on the principle that each organ, viscera, limb and function of the body have a correspondence at the different extremities of the body. We can thus establish a complete mapping of the body on the auricle of the ear, based on the representation of the foetus upside down.
These connections will thus make it possible to act remotely on target areas, and make it possible to harmonise and rebalance each part of the body.
The practice of massage and manipulation, with seeds and magnets on the points and reflex zones of the ear, will allow us to obtain results on the corresponding organs and systems.
22 Rue Anne de Bretagne
37700 La Ville Aux Dames
06 65 06 11 00
66 av. des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris (France)